Welcome to Word on the Street πŸ‘‹

A Monthly Review of Street Works in England


Overall, there are around 3+ million street work permits raised every year in England, with more than 450,000 completed in London alone.

The pace and scale of this activity is immense and the effects are far reaching.

Whether it be:

  • Reparing old gas mains
  • Maintaining the water / sewage networks
  • Increasing local electricity supply
  • Rolling out full fibre
  • Installing new infrastructue such as EV charge points / Heat Networks
  • And much more

Absolutely everyone depends on street works in some way shape or form.

That being said, making sense of what goes on in this industry can often provoke the follow feeling…


Street Manager as a Data Source:

What is the purpose of this review?

I often ask myself the following question:

Can we draw any meaningful insights from Street Manager's open permit data?

My answer to this question is quite simply yes, we can.

My next question is usually:

How can we make these insights actionable rather than just descriptive?

In all honestly, I'm still figuring that bit out and through this review you'll probably see me muddle my way through it.

The review won't be perfect by any means but it will hopefully be of use to some and improve in quality overtime.

Its core focus will be on the impact of street works and ways to reduce disruption.

What will be the cadence of this review?

I am going to attempt a monthly cadence but this is largely dependent on my time - as I do need to sleep!

It's still under active development and will be iterative in nature.

An analytics roadmap for new features will be produced in the near future.

πŸ”œ We will be improving the USRN Impact maps so that they are (i) faster and (ii) have a better UI πŸŽ‰

Get in Touch!

If you want learn more about this work, please feel free to email either chris@enmeshed.dev or serj@enmeshed.dev.

If you want more details on the data pipeline feeding this review then jump over to the repo here –> (link)


Chris πŸ˜„